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HomeLWV of Livingston County
Livingston County Court House


The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization working to protect and expand voting rights and ensure everyone is represented in our democracy.  We empower voters and defend democracy through advocacy, education, and litigation, at the local, state, and national levels.

The  goal  of the LWV of Livingston County is to encourage citizens to be actively engaged in Livingston County and our government  through increased understanding of local issues and connection with those who represent (and want to represent ) us. 
 We strive to uphold the inclusive, civil, non-partisan reputation which is the hallmark of The League of Women Voters.

We do important work.  We could do more with your help.  The contribution of your time, money, or both is an investment in democracy.

We invite you to learn about our work and consider joining us.

Trained League volunteers assist eligible citizens in understanding the process, completing  registration forms,  and verify identification.

We go to local High Schools, Cleary University, and public gatherings like the Howell Farmer's Market.  During  pandemic times when access to these places has been limited we work to provide educators with resources to support student voter registration.

In 2022-23 we hope to make a targeted outreach to assist voters in Senior Living Residences with the registration process.

We maintain a detailed  
Voter Info  page on this web site to help individuals in Michigan register as new voters,  to request Absentee Ballots,  and to register for the Permanent Absentee Ballot Application List.

Who's Who
 : Your Elected Representatives 
is published each January, with names and contact information for our elected officials. We encouraging voters to communicate directly  with their representatives on policies and issues.  Download the PDF.

THE VOTER 411 is published prior to elections, with candidate responses to questions solicited from the community, so voters can consider side-by-side positions on important issues.  Over 110,000 issues of  The Voter were distributed in 2020, to libraries, senior centers and local clerk's offices.  

LWV Livingston County Email and Newsletters  inform readers of upcoming events and opportunities to learn and engage in supporting democracy in our area.  

Facebook  We actively maintain a page with timely information of interest citizens in Livingston County.
Follow Us On FaceBook

We hold candidate forums,
 in person or via Zoom, inviting all candidates on our ballot to provide live responses to questions solicited from the community.   If candidates from multiple parties for any position are  unable to participate we offer an opportunity to the available candidate to make a brief, timed statement introducing their self and their priorities.

The Forums are recorded and available from our LWV of Livingston County YouTube Channel .

There were over 3500 views on the 10 forums conducted for the 2020 election.

We occasionally offer  additional live programs on issues which are important to voters,  such as a November 2020 Discussion With Brighton and Howell City Clerks  providing information about  the election process, security and Covid impact.  These programs are also recorded and posted to our you tube channel.


We hold educational forums
 on current topics of interest for our members and the public.  When possible these forums, with subject matter expert presenters , are are live and accommodate question and answer discussion.  Recent programs have been conducted virtually via Zoom.   We are pleased to partner with the Howell Carnegie District Library which has provided generous facility and technology support.  

Programs are typically recorded and posted on ourLWV of Livingston Count YouTube Channel. 

2021 - 2022  topics have included:  Michigan Redistricting Process, Livingston Count Apportionment,  Howell's Notable Black Citizens,  From Start to Finish: The Voting Process in Livingston County,  National Popular Vote ,  Indigenous People and U.S. Government Policies,  League 101, and Making Democracy Work.

The state of Michigan rates very low in government transparency relative to other states.  There are federal, state and some local laws - "sunshine laws' -  that give the public access to government meetings, promoting transparency and accountability. 

LWV provides a structured way for citizens to exercise their right to know what governmental bodies are doing and how they operate. League members volunteer to attend government meetings and report back to the League, and to the community when warranted, helping to ensure that the public is aware of the decisions that impact them.  

Local LWV Brighton-Howell volunteers worked closely with the clerk's offices for 2020  elections, taking training, supporting, and observing the election process and observing the Livingston County Board of Canvassers. 

We are actively interested in expanding efforts in this area.

Our dues support national and state level actions to study and advocate for voting rights, and when necessary, to challenge any infringement of those right in our court systems.  

LWV uses a formal study and consensus process when considering whether to take a position on issues.  If a position is adopted the LWV may advocate for that issues.  

Locally, LWV Brighton-Howell members have supported The Promote the Vote Campaign resulting in 2018 changes to our election system.  We actively supported Census efforts and The Citizens Redistricting Commission with educational forums.  

With LWV action alerts, members are informed in a timely manner of Legislative activity on state and national levels related to voting rights and encouraged to provide input to their elected representatives.  We are currently advocating for U.S. House Bill HR1-For the People Act,  to
protecting and strengthening the right to vote,  address the dominance of big money in politics, and implement anti-corruption, pro-ethics measures  in Michigan's government.

Each of our activities requires coordination, communication, planning,  and proof-reading before the actual  "do-ing".     

There are volunteer opportunities requiring  a few hours, or an ongoing commitment,  tasks that can be done at home, alone,  or out in the community as part of a team.   

Participate in one of our public forums (currently on-line),  or contact us to start a conversation about what you can do to support democracy in Livingston County.

2022 Annual Planning Meeting -2

Our Local History

A group of interested citizens, mostly women, began meeting in 2017 to understand local issues and learn about those who represent (and want to represent) us, with the goal of becoming more engaged in Livingston County and our government. Impressed by the inclusive, civil, non-partisanship reputation of the League of Women Voters, we investigated establishing a local chapter.

 The LWV requires new chapters to operate under the mentorship of an existing chapter to establish and maintain practices which are consistent with the League's impartial and non-partisan identity.   The LWV of the Ann Arbor Area agreed in early 2018 to mentor our new chapter  "The League of Women Voters of the Ann Arbor Area - Brighton/Howell Area Geographical Unit".   We were pleased to achieve the status of an independent state unit "The League of Women Voters of Livingston County " in October of 2021. 

We are pleased to announce that in December of 2022 LWV US approved our application to become an independent chapter.

We continue to work  with our state and national organizations, in partnership to empower voters and defend democracy in Livingston County.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy

LWV is an organization fully committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in principle and in practice. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are central to the organization’s current and future success in engaging all individuals, households, communities, and policy makers in creating a more perfect democracy.

There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, gender identity, ethnicity, race, native or indigenous origin, age, generation, sexual orientation, culture, religion, belief system, marital status, parental status, socioeconomic status, language, accent, ability status, mental health, educational level or background, geography, nationality, work style, work experience, job role function, thinking style, personality type, physical appearance, political perspective or affiliation and/or any other characteristic that can be identified as recognizing or illustrating diversity.


Phone 810-354-5012

LWV of Livingston County

P. O. Box 362

Howell, MI 48844